2024 list of books that were memorable and rose above the noise into my life like a disembodied Narrator remarking on my life choices. God Is Red : A Native View of ReligionVine Deloria Jr Took a Native American Studies class and this book rose out of my interests there. For those searching for a…
Your heart is a candy barI got for freeI didn’t dress up for HalloweenI just sat on the bathtub with youin the red water waiting for a moment we were already inI think I ate the whole thing there Is there some in my teeth?I wish I could throw up and try againI feel prepubescent…
When I learned Derrick Bell wrote science fiction, I cried in my carGeorge Wallace screaming on Color TV 1,000 armed veterans and 9 black teenagersprobably still alive to vote in 2024 In the shadows of temporarily embarrassed immigrants, were my ancestors bittering,red ears in the Southern sun, with oil-gray fingernails cutting the palms of their fists Somehow…